Why Every Car Crash Victim Should Seek Medical Care

Rick Jaklitsch
1 min readMar 11, 2021

Personal injury attorney Rick Jaklitsch has received several notable accolades, including placement in the Top 100 Trial Lawyers list for six consecutive years. Drawing from decades of experience representing clients injured in road accidents, Rick Jaklitsch publishes informative articles on the most important steps victims should take after a collision, including seeking immediate medical attention.

In the aftermath of an accident, victims may feel too overwhelmed to visit a doctor. However, this is a mistake for several reasons. The initial shock of the incident can trigger a biological reaction that can reduce the ability to sense pain. It may be several days or weeks before injuries become noticeable, and many accident-related injuries become progressively worse.

Further, medical records are essential for proving to insurance companies that compensation claims are justified. Even if the other driver is at fault, the insurer will try to reduce their pay-out amount by claiming that the victim had a prior injury or was exaggerating their pain. Getting a check-up right after the incident makes it easier to prove that a later diagnosis was caused by the accident.



Rick Jaklitsch

As the owner of the Jaklitsch Law Group, Rick Jaklitsch provides comprehensive representation for those injured in car and truck accidents.